Data Protection
Note regarding the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR)
This website does not use cookies (small files that are stored on visitors' computers), it does not contain any registration facilities and is free from analysis and so-called tracking programs. No personal information will be disclosed to third parties, such as Google. If, however, you visit our page with YouTube videos, your data will be transmittel to Google. Therefore we have placed a note on the page leading to these videos so that visitor can decide for themselves if the want to give 'their data to Google.
Every time our website is accessed, however an automated system on the server of the company that hosts this website calculates a combined stytistics of website visits based on the following:
- The IP address currently used by the website visitor (Internet Protocol address).
- Date and time of calling a page of our website.
- The page from which the visitor came to the currently visited page.
- Browser type used to view our website.
In this calculation no log file of individual visits is kept and individual visits are impossible to trace in this system.